
Unlock Melodic Potential: The Benefits of Learning Music

Ever wondered how music lessons can benefit you? We share some benefits and qualities of some musical instruments! Keep reading to find out more.

April 25, 2024



In the competitive education landscape of Singapore, parents are always gunning for the best choice for their children - getting into the best schools, sending their child for tuition classes to stay ahead, and signing up for recommended enrichment classes such as music lessons.


Why music lessons, you might ask? Numerous benefits come with learning music. Many studies support findings linking musical skills to benefits, such as enhanced cognitive abilities, improved memory and wellness.  

In this article, we will expand on these benefits alongside different instruments your child (or yourself) might be interested in picking up.  


The piano is one of the more straightforward instruments to learn and pick up at age four. It is an ideal instrument for beginners to start their musical learning journey with, as it offers a solid foundation in music theory and a versatile range for self-expression.  

But why learn the piano instead of going for another math tuition class? According to Forbes, a study shared that “students who took music lessons performed better in subjects such as English, Science, and Math.”  

Aside from being a stress-relieving activity, another study showed that learning the piano “has a significant, positive impact on how the brain processes audio-visual information.”  

So, consider piano lessons a part of your child’s ever-growing skillset with the added benefit of enhanced cognitive abilities.  


Our voice is also considered an instrument! We use it to speak and communicate with others. But sometimes, what better way to tell a compelling story than singing? And while not everyone can sing, anyone can learn to unlock the full potential of their voice with proper training.  

Aside from taking voice lessons, your child will also have opportunities to perform at recitals. There is nothing quite like performing your favourite song in front of an audience and receiving thunderous applause or a standing ovation. Through these performances, your child can showcase their abilities and all they have learnt while conquering any fear of performing (or speaking) in public.  

We hope that voice lessons will instil a sense of joy and love for music in your child and that they will come out of the lesson feeling passionate and confident.  


Student holding guitar and smiling with a peace sign.

Although many sad songs have originated from strumming the guitar, most guitarists are happiest in their element. Just picking up the guitar and strumming your worries away improves your mood – just one of the many benefits of playing the guitar.  

Research shows that playing the guitar as a therapeutic outlet "improves overall mental well-being" and has also been linked to decreasing cortisol levels (stress hormone). A separate study observed "significant positive changes in cortisol" among individuals who engaged in musical activities before or during stressful situations.  

Playing the guitar is a timeless skill, especially from age six up. Although it is not as clear-cut as playing the piano, the versatility of the instrument makes it a prime choice for students looking to kickstart their journey in music as a hobby.  


If you are looking for something special, try out drum lessons! This unique instrument requires all four limbs to play, making it an excellent activity to improve hand-eye coordination and motor skills.  

Researchers had closely observed drummers and discovered that “they have a more complex structure in the brain than non-drummers and that professional drumming is associated with a more effective design of the brain’s motor areas.”  

So, there is a lot more to drums than just randomly hitting parts of the drum to create sound. Learning the drums from a young age (five years old, to be exact!) instils a sense of timing, coordination and discipline to develop the focus and stay on beat with the rhythm.  


Violin lesson with teacher, in white and young student, in yellow, holding a violin.

Out of all the instruments, the violin is the most difficult to master. There are several factors to pay attention to, such as how to hold the violin and bow, having good posture, how much pressure to apply on the bow, and memorising the correct positions of the fingers on the fingerboard. It could be why studies find that “playing the violin activates neural endings and trains fine motor skills, attention, and hearing. There is a combination of intellectual work with motor activity.”  

But learning the violin is not an impossible task. You will have your teacher with you every step of the way. Plus, the sense of achievement you feel when you master the violin is priceless! It requires a certain level of perseverance to endure the steep learning curve, a trait to cultivate from a young age.  

Music Exploration  

Music exploration class with a young kid and teacher, in blue. Both are reaching out to hit a green bell.

If your child is below four years old and you wish to introduce them to the world of music, Musical Exploration lessons are ideal for your child (for 2.5 years old and up)! Exposing your child to music when they are young “changes their brain”. It sharpens their focus, introduces creativity and helps them develop empathy.  

The classes include movement and colourful lesson materials designed to attract the attention of younger children. Our experienced teachers expertly handle the lesson and know when to “change things up” to keep lessons engaging.  

It is a way to gauge their interest in pursuing music and find their groove before specialising in an instrument or two as they participate in fun lesson activities.  

In Conclusion:  

No matter which instruments you or your child chooses to learn, gain a skill plus the benefits that come with learning music. Book a free trial with us and witness the joy of learning music at Aureus Academy firsthand! Tour our facilities, get to know our trained music teachers and ask as many questions as you would like to feel assured of your decision! We are excited to be a part of your or your child's musical journey.

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Why you should choose Aureus Academy


Don't settle for less - not for you or your child! Find out why Aureus Academy will give you the music learning experience you deserve!


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Rescheduling only during office hours
An in-house mobile App for rescheduling anytime, anywhere
Inflexible scheduling policies or forfeiture of missed lessons
The ultimate flexibility - 4 hours rescheduling policy + 6 months makeup validity
Cramped studios with drab, uninspiring decor; opaque doors offering no transparency of the learning journey
Vibrant and colourful lesson studios; transparent, state-of-the-art, soundproofed glass doors offering maximum transparency into the learning journey
"One-size-fits-all" curriculums
Fun and engaging lessons tailored to every student's unique abilities and musical tastes!
Many schools do not allow parents to sit into lessons
Parents are welcome to sit into lessons, and even encouraged to participate! We also have livestreaming options available.
Recital opportunities are only for a select few, and are usually chargeable because of having to book external venues
Aureus has in-house Recital Halls at 5 convenient locations across Singapore