Maya Hejnowska

Maya Hejnowska

Piano, Voice, & Ukulele Teacher at Aureus Academy Forum Shopping Mall

Bachelor of Arts (Music Studies) (Hons), University Malaysia Sabah

Get to know Teacher Maya! 

Teacher Maya is a highly experienced teacher - she believes that music education is essential for every child and has dedicated herself to a lifelong pursuit of teaching music. With her kind, warm, and positive personality, Teacher Maya makes a wonderful piano teacher and mentor, especially for families looking for a reliable and thoughtful piano teacher for their child. Teacher Maya is also an experienced performer, and was a formerly in a girl band who won several competitions in Malaysia!

Under her guidance, students will truly enjoy their musical learning journey! Teacher Maya is definitely able to cater to students with diverse musical tastes, whether it be classical or pop music! 

Teacher Maya is a full-time teacher with Aureus Academy Forum and is available for free trial lessons!